Interbourse Summary and Thanks to Stockholm – Helsinki 2023. Next we will move to Spain 2024

The Interbourse will come back 2024 in Spain, under guidance of Gonzalo Hortal and the Madrid team. The preliminary date is second weekend in september, but the dates will be confirmed in October and the Teams Participation should be confirmed January 2024 latest.

The Interbourse Board also thanks all the Teams for This Tournament, where we again reached some new barriers. First our NEW POSITIVE FOOTBALL gained some interesting facts.

First all Teams scored more goals and we saw a Woman, Adelina Sulkanen Helsinki scored a real goal in the Semifinal against Reykjavik Kvika. The games as such was very well played and the in the Group Play it was just more scored goals that devided the position 1 to 3 when all Teams won one game each in one of the Groups. In the other Group all Teams at least took a point. Then in the Play Off all Teams visited the classic ground of the Olympic Stadion from 1912 and we settled the Final Teams to be Helsinki and Interbourse IRGL Lennart Johanssons Team to meet in the Final. We also settled the Woman Champions to be Helsinki.

In the Final Day we saw Madrid taking their first Medal in 20 years after former Liverpool and Real Madrid player Antonio Nunez scored a Hattrick against Reykjavik. In the well played Final both Teams scored one goal each – before IRGL scored on the penalty shootout, and our supporter Lennart Johanssons Team, supported by IR Global League could win the Cup and become Champions.

In The cooperation with Djurgården and their Festival of Football – we also saw an Audience Record for our Final when almost 7.000 visited Olympic Stadion that day and our final was implemeted in a day with Legends game (Djurgården vs Cafe Opera), and a lot of Girls and Boys games… and on top of that Stockholm also showed some sunny days before we left with the Silja Line Ferry to Helsinki

Interbourse Board

Daniel Weinmann, Per-Erik Holmström, Gonzalo Hortal, Marc Freuler, Geir Solvberg, Steven Lacey, Antonio Amelia and Team Captains, Riku Oksala, Sigurgeir Jonasson, Henrik Nitenius Johan Qviberg

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